6809/6309 Mnemonic Lookup

You can lookup a single instruction by typing LD in the instruction field, which will show all load instructions. You can also lookup multiple instructions like LD,CMP.

You can also lookup mnemonics like LDX,LDY in the mnemonic field.

To see all instructions click the Show All link.

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Not case sensitive.



* = 6309 Immediate Direct Indexed Extended Inherent Relative Register Memory
* Mnemonic Opcode Cycles Length Opcode Cycles Length Opcode Cycles Length Opcode Cycles Length Opcode Cycles Length Opcode Cycles Length Opcode Cycles Length Opcode Cycles Length
LDA 86 2 2 96 4/3 2 A6 4+ 2+ B6 5/4 3
LDB C6 2 2 D6 4/3 2 E6 4+ 2+ F6 5/4 3
* LDBT 1136 7/6 4
LDD CC 3 3 DC 5/4 2 EC 5+ 2+ FC 6/5 3
* LDE 1186 3 3 1196 5/4 3 11A6 5+ 3+ 11B6 6/5 4
* LDF 11C6 3 3 11D6 5/4 3 11E6 5+ 3+ 11F6 6/5 4
* LDMD 113D 5 5
* LDQ CD 5 5 10DC 8/7 3
LDS 10CE 4 4 10DE 6/5 3 10EE 6+ 3+ 10FE 7/6 4
LDU CE 3 3 DE 5/4 2 EE 5+ 2+ FE 6/5 3
* LDW 1086 5/4 4 1096 6/5 3 10A6 6+ 3+ 10B6 7/6 4
LDX 8E 3 3 9E 5/4 2 AE 5+ 2+ BE 6/5 3
LDY 108E 5/4 4 109E 6/5 3 10AE 6 3+ 10BE 7/6 4