Bust a Move

Date: 2019-11-30 20:37:25

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A very brief video showing the reed and LED's at work on ChessLR. Sorry the video isn't longer. In hind site I should have played a few more moves. I was distracted by the fact that row 1 started acting up. When I put 3 pieces down, it thinks I have put down the entire row. It's acting much like it did before I solved a bug that was causing a similar issue, but that was not specific to a single row. I'll probably swap out the MCP23017 chip and see if it still happens. Reminds me that I have to fix my diagnostic util as well. When I refactored my code, I broke it and didn't fix it. This is why your diagnotic code should never rely on your main code. It should stand on it's own, otherwise if you get lazy about updating it, you can't use it for troubleshooting. In any case, if swapping it with a new one fixes it, that will be the second chip that has gone bad.

Some very good news about the reed switches. This batch, which I bought from digikey are still working perfectly. Not a single failure yet.

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