You can lookup a single instruction by typing LD in the instruction field, which will show all load instructions. You can also lookup multiple instructions like LD,CMP.
You can also lookup mnemonics like LDX,LDY in the mnemonic field.
To see all instructions click the Show All link.
Show All | Registers | Addressing Modes | Post Bytes | Acknowledgments | Sock's GIME Reference | Sock's CPU Cycle Data Charts
Not case sensitive.
* = 6309 | Immediate | Direct | Indexed | Extended | Inherent | Relative | Register | Memory | |||||||||||||||||
* | Mnemonic | Opcode | Cycles | Length | Opcode | Cycles | Length | Opcode | Cycles | Length | Opcode | Cycles | Length | Opcode | Cycles | Length | Opcode | Cycles | Length | Opcode | Cycles | Length | Opcode | Cycles | Length |
BGE | 2C | 3 | 2 |
E | F | H | I | N | Z | V | C |
- | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Branch If Greater than or Equal to Zero [IF CC.N = CC.V then PC' <- PC + IMM]
DocumenationWhen used following a subtract or compare of signed (twos-complement) values, the BGE instruction will branch if the source (register) value was greater than or equal to the operand value.
Example lda #5
cmpa #5
bge ge ; branches
ge cmpa #9
bge ge2 ; does not branch
ge2 cmpa #1
bge ge3 ; branches
ge3 nop