Yesterday was a lot of backend stuff. I was trying to figure out how to display the FPS of my game, and it just wasn't working. I had posted a question about it, and got some good responses.
But it turns out I was incrementing my FPS counter, which was a word, with inc
. That only adds 1 to a single byte. So I was only increasing the high order of the word:
fps_counter fdb 0 ; 16-bit how many times through our main loop
; old
inc frame_counter
ldd frame_counter
addd #1
std frame_counter
I figured that out by looking at the hex value of the memory for frame_counter
, and that is when I noticed the high byte was being updated, but not the low byte.
I posted the fix back to Discord, and Deek replied with how I can increment a word in memory a byte at a time.
inc frame_counter+1
bne > ;did it become zero?
inc frame_counter ;low byte overflow
! ...
This was the magic I needed to be able to use large numbers in assembly. I was able to create a 32-bit counter for my timer and a few routines like inc32, compare, and add for 32-bit numbers. I was very happy with the progress.
This is the listing for my new 32-bit math routines. Also on GitHub math.asm and
; math.asm
; Math routines for 32-bit numbers
include ""
include ""
add832 export
inc32 export
cmp3232 export
section code
; ADD832 - Add an 8-bit value to a 32-bit value
; CC is updated with last carry that was performed. If carry is set, then
; the most significant byte (00112233) 00 in the example, overflowed.
; Cycles: Min 23, max 75, depending on how many carries have to be added.
; IN: A - 8-bit value to add to 32-bit number
; X - Points to 32-bit number
; OUT: 32-bit number is updated with new value
add832 pshs a ; put users number on stack
lda 3,x ; grab first byte
adda ,s+ ; add what user wants and remove from stack
sta 3,x ; store back
bcc done@ ; done if no carry
lda 2,x ; we had a carry, add to second number
clc ; clear carry for adda
adda #1 ; add the previous carry
sta 2,x ; store back
bcc done@ ; done if no carry
lda 1,x ; we had a carry, add to second number
clc ; clear carry for adda
adda #1 ; add the previous carry
sta 1,x ; store back
bcc done@ ; done if no carry
lda ,x ; we had a carry, add to second number
clc ; clear carry for adda
adda #1 ; add the previous carry
sta ,x ; store back
done@ rts
; INC32 - Increment a 32-bit number
; IN: X - points to the 32-bit variable to increment.
; Example:
; num0 fcb 1,$ff,$ff,$ff
; ldx #num0
; jsr inc32
; num0 will contain $2000000 after call.
; 0,x high byte of high word
; 1,x low byte of high word
; 2,x low byte of low word
; 3,x low byte of low word
inc32 inc 3,x ; lowest byte
bne done@ ; did it become zero?
inc 2,x ; yup, byte overflow
bne done@ ; did it become zero?
inc 1,x
bne done@ ; did it become zero?
inc 0,x ; highest byte
done@ rts
; Compare a 32-bit number with a 32-bit number.
; IN:
; Stack:
; 10,11 num0 lower
; 8,9 num0 upper
; 6,7 num1 lower
; 4,5 num1 upper
; 2,3 ret upper lower
; 0,1 D saved (temp)
; OUT: CC flag is set appropriately
; MOD: None
cmp3232 pshs d
; check most significant first, as it might be > or < the least, and that would give the wrong answer
ldd 8,s
cmpd 4,s
bne done@
ldd 10,s
cmpd 6,s
done@ puls d
Copyright © 2025, Lee Patterson