Block Dodge progress 01/04

Date: Jan 4, 2025 / Updated: Jan 4, 2025

Block Dodge is back on track. This game is for my Color Computer 3, and is my first all assembly project. All my backend graphics code, as well as some utility code had to be written first. But now that is mostly done. I now have a game that cycles between modes, and is able to somewhat play a game.

I say somewhat because the collision detection is way off. But the game does have an attract move, and you can use the space bar to jump to the top or bottom of the screen. That logic wasn't bad to figure out. But I did have to do some significant rework in the player_update and process_input code. For the latter, I had to check what direction I was already moving by looking at the negative flag, then branching to a move up or down routine. Pretty happy with this code.

; move player if they need moving, stop movement
; when they reach destination. Reset jump_pressed
; when destination reached. Ensure they are not past
; the dest, if so reset to dest.
player_update   lda     jump_pressed            ; are we processing a jump?
                beq     done@                   ; no
                lda     playerxy+1              ; load posy
                cmpa    player_destxy+1         ; at destination?
                beq     at_dest@                ; yes
                adda    player_dirxy+1          ; no, move player y
                sta     playerxy+1              ; store
                ; check player has moved too far, and move back if so
                lda     player_dirxy+1          ; grab dir
                bpl     moving_down@
moving_up@      lda     playerxy+1              ; load posy
                cmpa    #PLAYER_TOP             ; check posy against TOP
                bge     done@                   ; branch if >=,
                lda     #PLAYER_TOP             ; posy < TOP so set player to top
                sta     playerxy+1
                bra     at_dest@                ; we are at our destination now
moving_down@    lda     playerxy+1              ; load posy
                cmpa    #PLAYER_BOTTOM          ; check posy against BOTTOM
                bls     done@                   ; branch if <=
                lda     #PLAYER_BOTTOM          ; posy > BOTTOM so set player to BOTTOM
                sta     playerxy+1
                bra     at_dest@                ; we are at our destination now
at_dest@        clr     jump_pressed            ; clear flag so we can jump again
                ldd     score_player            ; load and update score
                addd    #10
                std     score_player
done@           rts

                lda     jump_pressed            ; are we already jumping?
                bne     key_done@               ; yes, jump is already pressed
                jsr     inkey                   ; read keyboard
                cmpa    #32                     ; did we detect space bar?
                bne     key_done@               ; nope, done
                sta     jump_pressed            ; yup, set flag
                ; figure out what direction we need to send player
                lda     player_dirxy+1          ; get current direction
                bpl     move_up                 ; we were moving down, so move up
                lda     #PLAYER_BOTTOM
                sta     player_destxy+1
                lda     #PLAYER_SPEED_DN
                sta     player_dirxy+1
                lda     #PLAYER_TOP
                sta     player_destxy+1
                lda     #PLAYER_SPEED_UP
                sta     player_dirxy+1
key_done@       rts

Copyright © 2025, Lee Patterson